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IBU Biathlon - World Championships from 8 - 19 February 2017

Biathlon World Cup Champions Ships 2017

08:02:17 - 19/02/17 - in HOCHFILZEN AUT

They also come in 2017 again the world's best athletes of biathlon in the small community of Hochfilzen in Pillerseetal.

While millions of fans will keep their fingers crossed in front of the TV screens around the world her favorites, a great atmosphere is guaranteed on site.

Finally, again more than 30,000 fans are expected, which will transform the modern biathlon stadium in an atmospheric cauldron.

Hochfilzen invested in the biathlon future.
On Friday, 17 October 2014, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction and remodeling of biathlon facilities took place in Hochfilzen for the upcoming Biathlon World Cup in 2017 (about 20 million investment)

Situated at 1,000 meters above sea level Hochfilzen Beginning in March 2005, the stronghold in the biathlon. The World Championships in 2005 were divided into ten competition days. The 85,000 enthusiastic spectators brought with mood, and heitzten Hochfilzen times correctly. It was the second Biathlon World Cup in Hochfilzen after years 1978th

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